Tool for Checking Whether a Toy Price is Good

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There are different kinds of children toys available out there with varying prices.

The price alone can’t be used to judge whether a toy price is good or not. At a certain price, one toy might be expensive while another would be cheap.

That’s why we have developed this online tool which instantly answers the question for you ‘Is this toy price good?’. You just need to input the price of the toy and its category to get the result.

The way the tool works is simply comparing the price to the typical price range of the toy type. Higher than that range means ‘high price’ while lower gives ‘excellent price’. The price will be considered ‘good’ if it falls within the expected range.

One thing to note, the evaluation provided by this tool assumes a good quality toy. In other words, the price ranges used are based on comprehensive research done on only toys of high quality sold on Amazon (i.e. has a review rating of 4+).

By the way, to get a more accurate result with regards to jigsaw puzzles, it’s better to check their price per square foot instead of the total price (using this calculator). For Lego sets, you should utilize the Lego price per piece calculator.

For more clarity about the toy category to choose, here are some examples of each one (sorted in alphabetical order):

Toy TypeProduct Examples
Action FiguresDisney or Avengers figures
Baby Toysbath toys and musical toys
Board GamesScrabble and Monopoly Junior
Building ToysLego and brain flakes
Craft Kitsscratch papers and paint kits
DollsBarbie doctor or mermaid doll
Electronic Toystoy phones & educational laptops
Jigsaw Puzzlesworld map puzzle & jungle puzzle
Math Toysmath cubes and pattern blocks
Novelty Toysfidget spinners and magic kits
Outdoor Toyswater toys and sports items
Play Vehiclesdie-cast vehicles and train sets
Pretend Playfood sets and medical kits
Puppetshand puppets and marionettes
Ride-on Toysride-on cars and ponies
Science Kitsgeography or chemistry kit
Stuffed Animalsplush dogs and teddy bears
Toy Furnituretoy storage and toddler chair

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