32 Stats about Kids’ Lifestyle that are Interesting

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There are many interesting statistics about kids that are fun to know. We tried here to gather those that have to do with common daily routines of children. This includes numbers involving sleep, physical exercise, school, childcare, screen time and child development.

Here are 32 of the most intriguing stats about children behaviors, Enjoy!

Screen Time

– Children under two spend, on average, almost two hours every day watching TV or using other screen media like computer games and videogames. (1)

– Tweens spend an average of 6 hours/day on their phones including streaming videos, texting and scrolling on social media. (1)

– Kids watch around 1.5-3 hours of TV per day while being in childcare. (1)

– 72% of teens often (or sometimes) check for messages or notifications as soon as they wake up, while roughly four-in-ten feel anxious when they do not have their cellphone with them. (2)

– The average age for a child to get their first cellphone is about 10 years old. (3)

– 25% of kids under the age of six already have a phone. (4)

– More than 90 percent of American kids play video games. (5)

kid watching tv at home

Physical Exercise

– The average American child spends only 4 to 7 minutes a day in unstructured play outdoors. (6)

– 77% of children don’t get enough physical exercise. (7)

– Kids start to go off physical exercise around the age of seven. (8)

– Children aged seven spend half their day sitting which becomes three-quarters by the age of 15. (8)

– Almost a quarter (23%) of children aged five to 16 believe that playing a computer game with friends is a form of exercise. (9)

– Only one in three children are physically active every day. (10)

– American children spend 35 percent less time playing outside freely than their parents did. (11)


– Only half of US children get enough sleep. (12)

– 6 in 10 middle schoolers and 7 in 10 high schoolers don’t get enough sleep. (13)

– By the age of two, most children have spent more time asleep than awake and overall, a child will spend 40% of their childhood asleep. (14)

– 69% of all children experience one or more sleep-related problems at least a few nights a week. (15)

– Over 40% of children have one TV in their bedroom by the time they’re 6 years old. (1)


– Almost a quarter (23%) of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults. (16)

– At least 41% of infants and toddlers attend some form of child care arrangement. (17)

– Almost two-thirds of all 3 to 5-year-olds and more than 70% of those with working mothers are in some form of group child-care program. (18)

– Only 54% of US children aged 3 to 5 years attend full-day preschool programs. (19)

mother caring for her two kids


– Only 83 percent of the children who go to school at all complete elementary school, and just 45 percent of students aged 15 to 17 will finish secondary school. (20)

– At least 264 million children worldwide (about 12%) don’t go to school. (20)

– 75% of students change schools at least once between kindergarten and eighth grade. (21)

– 7% of U.S. kids between the ages of 6 and 17 — 3.4 million children total — repeat one or more grades since starting kindergarten. (22)

Child Development

– By the time a child is 2 years old, he/she will have a 150–300-word vocabulary. (23)

– Babies can start differentiating between right and wrong from as young as six months old. (24)

– One year olds use both hands equally and most don’t show a clear hand preference until age 3 or older. (25)

– A four-year-old asks on average about 400 questions per day. (26)

– Newborns don’t shed any tears during the first few months because their tear ducts are still developing after birth. (27)


There you have it, several fun data to know about kids which deal with their behaviors and development.

We will be updating this article if we find more interesting statistics that are worth adding to the list.

Feel free to contact us in case there is an error in the article or you know of any stats that are worth adding.


  1. Young Children and Screen Time (center4research.org)
  2. How Teens and Parents Navigate Screen Time and Device Distractions (pewresearch.org)
  3. Parenting: How young is too young for a smartphone (mercurynews.com)
  4. Quarter of children under six have a smartphone, study finds (independent.co.uk)
  5. Do Video Games Make Kids Saints or Psychopaths (healthline.com)
  6. Why Kids Need to Spend Time in Nature (childmind.org)
  7. Three quarters of children aren’t doing enough physical activity (diabetes.org.uk)
  8. Exercise levels decline ‘long before adolescence’ (bbc.com)
  9. Almost one in four children ‘think playing video games with their friends is exercise’ (dailymail.co.uk)
  10. Facts and Statistics – Fitness (hhs.gov)
  11. Kamik Survey: Children Spending 35 Percent Less Time Playing Freely Outside (sgbonline.com)
  12. Only Half of U.S. Children Get Enough Sleep: Why That’s a Serious Problem (healthline.com)
  13. Do Your Children Get Enough Sleep (cdc.gov)
  14. Primary School Children – Normal Sleep Patterns (kidshealth.org.nz)
  15. Can’t Sleep – Sleep Facts and Stats (txstate.edu)
  16. U.S. has world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households (pewresearch.org)
  17. Nearly 30 percent of infants and toddlers attend home-based child care as their primary arrangement (childtrends.org)
  18. Child-care services: a national picture (bls.gov)
  19. Preschool and Kindergarten Enrollment (ed.gov)
  20. UNESCO: 264 million children don’t go to school (dw.com)
  21. School Mobility and Developmental Outcomes in Young Adulthood (nih.gov)
  22. More Than 3 Million Students Have Repeated a Grade (kidscount.org)
  23. Language and Literacy Development in 0-2 Year Olds (scholastic.com)
  24. Psychologists say babies know right from wrong even at six months (medicalxpress.com)
  25. Toddler Handedness (whattoexpect.com)
  26. The Question Game: A Playful Way To Teach Critical Thinking (teachthought.com)
  27. Is it normal for my baby to cry without tears? (babycenter.com)
  28. Spread the word!

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