Any parent would certainly want their little ones to be highly clever and able to think more efficiently. That’s why we try to provide them with the best education possible, whether through a private school or extra courses.
But making your kid really intelligent goes beyond traditional education.
Here are 4 tips that will help you to significantly boost the cleverness of your children:
Treat your Child Like an Adult
Children define themselves based mostly on how they’re treated consistently by their parents (or whoever is raising them). A child will essentially behave like a matured adult or a little kid depending on the way their parents engage with them.

Following are some tricks you can implement to make your little one feel like an adult and act beyond their age:
- Allow them to do your own work. For example, give your child cash and tell them to pay for the groceries themselves when you’re shopping together. If you need direction during travel, allow your kid to be the one to ask people for that information. Make your kid replace defective light bulbs in the house, if possible. It doesn’t really matter what duty you assign your child as long as it makes them feel dependable and responsible.
- Speak to them in a mature tone. When your kid can talk normally (around 3 years old), you should try to avoid speaking to them in the childish tone commonly used by parents. You want to communicate with your little one in the same way you do with close adults like your spouse or sibling.
- Make them as independent as possible. If your kid asks for food at home, tell them to help themselves and get some from the fridge rather than depend on you. The same goes for other routines in the house like wearing clothes, combing hair, bathing and cleaning up their room.
The kid will obviously appear more intelligent than their actual age if they act like an adult.
Teach the Habit of Meditation to your Kid
The ability to clear one’s mind and focus is quite crucial for intelligence, and meditation can effectively help with that.
Parents should do their best to teach their children how to perform meditation early on. According to Healthline, little ones as young as 3 or 4 years of age can learn breathing techniques that allow them to feel a change in their bodies.

You can teach your kid meditation yourself at home by actually doing it in front of them. In order to avoid confusing your young one, the meditation practice shouldn’t be complicated. You basically want them to be able to sit still, close their eyes and remain silent.
Try to find a quite room in the house and have a specific time each day to meditate with your child (maybe 5 minutes as a start). This ensures the kid will develop meditation as a habit.
To motivate your kid to follow through with meditation and not get bored, it’s a must to always do it together. This is at least for a few months or so, until this activity becomes a routine for them. Then, you may need to only join them once or twice a week.
It’s also a good idea to enroll your little one in a children meditation class (if offered in your area). These can be very helpful since a kid gets encouraged when they see other children practicing meditation. Of course, this can be accomplished at home if you have more than one kid to teach.
Additionally, there are some helpful meditation books you can use to teach your kid how to meditate and deal with their emotions.
As the child meditate more and more, they develop the ability to concentrate and not get distracted which makes them highly intelligent.
Keep your Child Mentally Active
The brain needs to be consistently engaged to get sharpen and become more efficient. This includes adults but is more important for children who are still growing up.
There are many educational toys and games available to keep your kids mentally active as much as possible every day such as jigsaw puzzles and some board games.

Not only jigsaw puzzles are fun, they make little ones think and use their brains in order to assemble the image.
To minimize the chances your kid will get bored, you want to get a variety of puzzles that are appropriate for their age. This means that you should also bring more challenging puzzles as your child grows up to match their capability.
You also have board games, like chess, which are great for family entertainment at home plus they help significantly in stimulating the minds of little ones. Of course, this is not limited to chess as there are several other mind-engaging games you can play together such as Sudoku, Scrabble and Blokus.
There is additionally one important way to keep exercising the child’s brain and that is to minimize their screen time as much as possible.
When the kid is sitting for extended period of times and just watching TV (or playing video games), their brain is not really functioning much which can hinder their mental development. That’s why you should limit the screen-time for your little ones to 1-2 hours maximum each day.
Instill the Perception of Intelligence in your Kid
The kid’s mind is still developing and forming believes at a young age based on what they experience consistently. Parents can use this to their advantage to boost the cleverness of their child.
The main thing to do is to try to always remind the child they’re clever early on in order to cement this perception in their head. You should start this when they’re 1-2 years old at maximum (well before they turn 7).

The process involves telling your kid they’re very intelligent whenever there is a chance. This includes, but not limited to, when they’re solving a floor puzzle, during their school study, and while playing a brain game.
In addition, you should try to appear intelligent yourself in your daily behaviors. For instance, you should avoid seeming confused or lost in front of your kid while searching for something that’s missing e.g. TV remote control and car key. You also want to project smartness while engaging with other people including being able to talk fluently and to understand quickly. This is because your kid will look up to you while forming their belief system which includes how intelligent they are.
Those are 4 methods parents can apply to make their youngsters more clever.
This will all help to raise children who are more mentally capable and who will probably grow to be smarter than their peers in school, college and the workplace.
Note that it’s best to start working on boosting your child’s intelligence as early as possible (i.e. during toddler-hood or early preschool), before they form their perceptions about themselves and life.
Following is a great graphic that summarizes the article.