Premium Joy is a parenting blog that offers high quality information related to child development and educational toys. This includes topics like kids’ puzzles, play, toy shopping and more.
The business was initially started as a toy company in 2017, selling high quality foam playthings. Thanks to the products quality, Premium Joy has won several toy awards including Moms Choice Award and Creative Child Award.
In 2022, the focus was shifted from selling toys to blogging and providing useful information for parents. The main reason for this is the very high increase in the freight costs to get the products from East Asia.

It’s worth mentioning that Under the Sea Foam Puzzle is probably one of the top quality and most gorgeous foam floor puzzles ever made (if not the best). Hence, there is currently one remaining unit available in the store and priced at a whopping $28,000.
We will be regularly sharing in the blog some useful and practical information related to child development and toys. The main blogger for Premium Joy is its founder Dayaram Pandit, who is a parent himself and has a good experience with raising his two children.
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