Free Stock Images of Family Places

The free images displayed here are basically about one main theme; places that are family-friendly including zoos, farms, aquariums, museums, parks, gardens and beaches. These locations are great picnic destinations for parents with kids.

  • Zoos, aquariums and farms have animals and birds which children love.
  • Museums typically exhibit some interesting things to youngsters like subjects related to astronomy or math.
  • Gardens and parks usually contain plenty of greenery and grass where little ones can run and play around.
  • Beaches are perfect spots for kids to swim or build sandcastles.

All the stock photos are licensed under creative commons (you can find more information about the official license here). They are free for anyone to download and utilize online as long as the required attribution is provided. When using any image, kindly give credit to our founder and the website as follows;
Hassan Alnassir,

Please note the photos of family places shown below are only for display purposes. To download those photos and many more, visit this Flickr page.

If you have any questions about the photos and the allowed usage, please send us a message through the contact page.

Enjoy the beautiful scenes. And don’t forget to share & spread the word about these images (who doesn’t want free stuff!).

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